Free Report:

21 Critical Questions Your IT Consultant Should Be Able To Say 'Yes' To

Let’s face it, not all IT consultants are created equal. The question is, which one will give you honest, straightforward and ACCURATE advice and which ones will overcharge you, not deliver on promises and (potentially) make things worse due to gross incompetence? Don’t trust your critical IT operations to just anyone!

Download This Free Report To Learn:


The “dirty little secret” of the computer repair industry that most people don’t know and will never be told by their IT guy (knowing that ALONE could save you from wasting tons of money and untold aggravation when outsourcing your computer support).


21 revealing questions that help you instantly spot an unethical or grossly incompetent computer repair/support technician in minutes.


4 costly misconceptions most business owners have about computer maintenance and repair, one of which you will need to know BEFORE even picking up the phone.


Viruses, worms, spyware and hackers. What you need to know to protect yourself.


5 mistakes to avoid when choosing a computer consultant.


Why “cheap” or “lowest price” computer repair shops aren’t the bargain they initially appear to be.


The one surefire sign that you should run – not walk - away from a computer support firm.

GoTech I.T. Solutions is a trusted Microsoft Gold Partner that specializes in delivering full-service IT support for small and medium businesses in the Hales Corners area. Click here to learn more about us.

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“We Have Saved Time and Money by Switching to GoTech!”

GoTech is extremely reliable when we need support, plus we have saved time and money by switching to them. They listen to our concerns and act on them by making helpful suggestions without pushing other services on you. They respond to calls in a timely manner and are extremely friendly. If you are on the fence about choosing an IT firm GoTech is the way to go, you really cannot go wrong.

Stacey Lantagne Office Manager
Timber Products
Iron Mountain, MI.

“Fast Response Time and Quality Service”

The quality of service and response time of GoTech exceeds that of other IT companies we’ve had in the past. GoTech understands our business needs to determine the best upgrade path for our company while providing options that make sense to us. They are not out to sell us technology that we do not need or doesn’t fit our business. I can contact them at any time, and they will deliver knowledgeable information to assist me throughout my day. If you are on the fence about an IT company, go with GoTech, they are reliable.

Frankie Mueller Network Administration
Tailored Certified Public Accountants, P.C.
Marquette, MI